LIONINOX. The largest European distributor of stainless steel equipment for agri-food, hospitality and medical equipment.


At Lioninox, our mission is to provide individuals with the utmost security in occupations where hand hygiene is crucial. We understand the importance of clean and safe environments in numerous professional fields and strive to offer products that enhance these standards. Our commitment is to ensure that every customer experiences the confidence and peace of mind that comes with exceptional hygiene solutions.


Since 2009, Lioninox has been a trusted online supplier of high-quality stainless steel products across Europe, serving countries such as France, Germany, Portugal, and Italy. As a pioneer in the industry, we pride ourselves on our extensive experience and dedication to serving diverse markets. For more information about our journey and offerings, visit


Recognizing the specific needs of our UK customers, we have strategically positioned a warehouse in the United Kingdom to bring our most in-demand products closer to you. This facility is dedicated solely to serving the British Isles, ensuring faster and more efficient delivery directly to your doorstep. Our approach is not just about meeting expectations but exceeding them by making our top products readily accessible where and when you need them.


At Lioninox, our philosophy is to simplify your life. We are committed to delivering not only quality but also speed and affordability. Every product comes with a guarantee of excellence, backed by swift delivery at competitive prices, to ensure that your satisfaction is always our top priority. We aim to make each transaction smooth and hassle-free, allowing you more time to focus on what truly matters in your professional and personal life.